Two weeks ago on Saturday, I don’t think we imagined that things would have progressed so well by this point. Actually, we both were probably still just in shock and didn’t know if things would ever get any better.
Lisa is moving well, but slowly with the walker. I know it feels like no progress to her, but I can see her steps getting a little more confident and stronger every day.
She’s tired a lot and sleeping a lot, which is frustrating for her because y’all know my wife is just go go go all the time. I remind her that she’s not doing nothing when she sleeps, but her body is healing the break in her femur & it takes all its energy to do this.
She also has a little bit of post surgery brain fog where it takes a bit for her to remember the word for something.
She is eating well thanks to all of you who have brought food and we appreciate it so much. And thanks for the cards and the messages and the calls and the visits and the prayers.