Two Weeks Out

Two weeks ago on Saturday, I don’t think we imagined that things would have progressed so well by this point. Actually, we both were probably still just in shock and didn’t know if things would ever get any better.

Lisa is moving well, but slowly with the walker. I know it feels like no progress to her, but I can see her steps getting a little more confident and stronger every day.

She’s tired a lot and sleeping a lot, which is frustrating for her because y’all know my wife is just go go go all the time. I remind her that she’s not doing nothing when she sleeps, but her body is healing the break in her femur & it takes all its energy to do this.

She also has a little bit of post surgery brain fog where it takes a bit for her to remember the word for something.

She is eating well thanks to all of you who have brought food and we appreciate it so much. And thanks for the cards and the messages and the calls and the visits and the prayers.


Last evening Lisa’s cousin Shanna and her daughter Savannah came to bring dinner off the meal train and stayed for a visit. Lisa enjoys being the Cuzzant to Savannah and, as you can see, they tolerate each other with much effort.

The Shower Chair had Arrived

Lisa slept really well last night and I let her sleep in this morning. Her pain is doing really well and we are whittling down the “as needed” prescriptions as she goes. There’s a bit of bruising from the surgery and a little discomfort from that. According to the horrific images I found during a google search (“post hip surgery bruising”) it looks much better than it could be.

I only had to take the legs off the shower chair once because I had them on the wrong end and the grab handle once because I had it reversed. There was minimal profanity involved.

Ben and his son Bash made the meal train delivery today with beef stew that Ben’s partner Matthew made. I did not get pictures as they were in and out pretty quickly and I was taken with Bash’s Spider-Man costume.

The Grabnabber

Home Day 2

This is the look I got when I told her she should probably keep the fall risk bracelet on.

It was a low key day. Pain is improving as is her mobility. She hadn’t had to pull out the heavy duty pain management meds since well before leaving the hospital.

As always your encouragement means the world. If you could send her a message on her socials or a simple text, it’d be amazing.

Also, we’re really thankful for everything everyone has done so far from reaching out to check on her and participating in the meal train.

Oh and also also, please forgive me if I have not responded to your message or dropped off mid conversation. As y’all know everybody loves Lisa, and my poor little non-extrovert brain is a little overwhelmed right now. I will more than likely, in a few weeks, pick up the conversation and apologize profusely.


All systems are go!

The nurse going over the discharge orders kept apologizing that they were rushing us out, but Lisa was ready to get home and so was I.

We found a walker on Facebook from a former coworker of Lisa’s at Wilmington Health (Thanks Pat Hooper!)

The PA was kind enough to show us the X-rays and explain how the rod/screws work. He also said that the reason they recommended the repair was that the bone was broken like a tree limb with enough of it still attached so that there is a good chance the blood flow will be fine. “We’ve repaired the bone, but God has to make it heal.”

Structurally, the bone is fine and she lost maybe a millimeter of height, but it’s now a matter of the physical therapy doing its thing to get the muscles to do their thing again.

Lisa is sleeping now the uninterrupted slumber of a person that doesn’t need their vitals taken every two hours and I’m poking around the house so she’ll be able to get around the house safely.

Up and Walking

A bit of a rough night but things are moving, so to speak. She’s been up and walking to the bathroom several times last night and this morning. PT says she’s doing really well and checking all the boxes.

Maybe going home today but nothing definitive yet.

PT evaluation

PT evaluation is good – she got up – rocked sides to side and is now sitting in the recliner. Ortho came by and said possible discharge tomorrow because she’s doing so well post op

2/4/2022 Tuesday AM Update

Lisa had a great night. Much less pain and they’re doing a good job of managing what she has. The nursing staff here is amazing.
Physical Therapy is coming this morning to get her up on her feet for the first time and will evaluate how she’s doing and when she will be discharged.

The story so far: (for those of you just joining us)

Lisa broke her hip on Saturday (2/1). We were told on Saturday that a full replacement would be needed but they were able to do a repair yesterday.
I’m over summarizing and there’s a lot of details in there, but that’s the big picture.